
台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積電 tsmc)


台中市西屯區新科路1號 公司地址地圖『另開新視窗』


台積公司是全世界最大的專業積體電路製造服務公司. 台積公司在民國七十六年成立於台灣新竹科學工業園區,並開創了專業積體電路製造服務商業模式。 領先的技術、卓越的製造,以及對於研發及產能投資的持續承諾,讓我們能夠在行動裝置、高效能運算、物聯網與車用半導體領域掌握商機。 台積公司的全球總部位於新竹科學園區,在北美、歐洲、日本、中國大陸、南韓、印度等地均設有子公司或辦事處,提供全球客戶即時的業務和技術服務。


  • 「成為大家的代工廠」(Be Everyone’s Foundry)是台積公司策略的核心。透過技術與服務的擴展,我們打造了一個開放平台,歡迎所有半導體產業的創新者能夠實現創新,並將其產品快速量產上市。2019年,台積公司全球總產能超過1,200萬片之十二吋晶圓約當量,台積公司並提供最廣泛的製程技術,全面涵蓋自2微米製程至最先進的製程技術,即現今的7奈米製程。台積公司係首家提供7奈米製程技術為客戶生產晶片的專業積體電路製造服務公司,同時亦領先業界導入極紫外光(EUV)微影技術協助客戶產品大量進入市場。


  • 詳見企業網站 http://www.tsmc.com/chinese/careers/compensation_benefits.htm
  • 《部份福利、待遇因職務、職等、職種有所不同,並隨公司營運方針有所調整,詳情請於面試時詢問,並以面試為主》



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工作機會 (37)

  • 2025/02/05
    【代收履歷】技術員【2025/02/20~2025/02/20 14:00~16:00 南科【聯合】徵才活動 】
    • 台南市新市區
    • 月薪 32000~43000
    • 無工作經驗可
    • 高職
    • 求才人數:60

    ‧ 生產線機台操作、貨品搬運、成品檢驗、機台及產品異常狀況處理
    ‧ 採四班二輪制:工作兩天,休息兩天
    ‧ 須輪班:依部門而異,3~5個月日班、3-5個月夜班
  • 2025/02/05
    【代收履歷】設備工程師【2025/02/20~2025/02/20 14:00~16:00 南科【聯合】徵才活動 】
    • 台南市新市區
    • 依學經歷、證照核薪(每月經常薪資達4萬元以上)
    • 無工作經驗可
    • 大學
    • 求才人數:1

    1. Handle Nano Diffusion, Thin Film, Lithography or Etching equipments
    2. Warm up and trouble solve with high tech. equipments
    3. Improve and enhance the efficiency of equipments
    4. Plan and execute the analysis or defect detection projects
    5. Communicate with cross function engineers or venders
  • 2025/02/04
    工程師職類【114年2月22日(六)下午13:30-16:30 新光三越高雄左營店彩虹市集1F夢想廣場大型徵才活動】【2025/02/22~2025/02/22 13:30~16:30 114年2月22日(六)下午13:30-16:30 新光三越高雄左營店彩虹市集1F夢想廣場大型徵才活動】
    • 高雄市不限
    • 依學經歷、證照核薪(每月經常薪資達4萬元以上)
    • 無工作經驗可
    • 大學
    • 求才人數:15

    徵:工程師職類-【114年2月22日(六)下午13:30-16:30 新光三越高雄左營店彩虹市集1F夢想廣場大型徵才活動-地點:高雄市左營區高鐵路115號】
    意願者請掃描QR Code上台積電官網投遞履歷或於現場投遞紙本履歷
  • 2025/02/04
    技術員職類【114年2月22日(六)下午13:30-16:30 新光三越高雄左營店彩虹市集1F夢想廣場大型徵才活動】【2025/02/22~2025/02/22 13:30~16:30 114年2月22日(六)下午13:30-16:30 新光三越高雄左營店彩虹市集1F夢想廣場大型徵才活動】
    • 高雄市不限
    • 月薪 32000元以上
    • 無工作經驗可
    • 高中
    • 求才人數:15

    徵:技術員職類-【114年2月22日(六)下午13:30-16:30 新光三越高雄左營店彩虹市集1F夢想廣場大型徵才活動-地點:高雄市左營區高鐵路115號】
    意願者請掃描QR Code上台積電官網投遞履歷或於現場投遞紙本履歷
  • 2025/01/17
    Supply Chain Logistic Management Engineer(依身心障礙者權益保障法進用) (倉儲物流人員)
    • 新竹市
    • 依學經歷、證照核薪(每月經常薪資達4萬元以上)
    • 無工作經驗可
    • 大學
    • 求才人數:3

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSMC) is committed to upholding the employment rights of accessibility individuals. In accordance with Taiwan Disability Rights Pro-tection Act, we have established a dedicated recruitment section for those with a disability certif-icate and warmly welcome them to join TSMC.

    The Role
    TSMC is looking for a Logistics and Supply Chain Management Engineer to work on optimizing cost-efficiency, smart operations and green transportation. As our Supply Chain Logistic Management Engineer, you will not only conduct warehouse operation management, but also help us achieve supply chain excellent performance by continually improvement projects/tasks, including automation warehouse design, robotic process automation, vendor management, and process improvement projects.

    Job Description:
    Your main responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

    1. Lead/coordinate cross functional to achieve supply chain excellence.
    2. Initiate and implement continuous logistics and warehouse process improvement project/task.
    3. Study and introduce leading-edge logistics/warehouse automation, including hardware and software(e.g. ASRS, AGV, Robot, B2B data flow, RPA, etc.)
    Please refer to TSMC CSR Spotlight: https://csr.tsmc.com/csr/ch/update/inclusiveWorkplace/caseStudy/21/index.html
    4. Lead teammates and collaborate with suppliers to achieve supply chain excellence in materials preparation.
    5. Conduct training program to cultivate SCM logistics specialist.

    Education & Skills:
    1.A valid Taiwan disability certificate.
    2. Bachelor/Master degree of Supply Chain, Logistics & Transportation Management, Statistics, IE and related fields.
    3. Fluent in spoken and written languages skills for both Chinese and English.
    4. Strong negotiation skills and ability to lead cross functional projects.
    5. Experience in AMHS/ASRS equipment design or mechanical/electrical integration is a plus.
    6. Familiarity with development of C#, C/C++ or JAVA Programming, and Python, SQL database programming is a plus.

    Personal Attributes :
    1. Strong work ethic, perseverance and flexibility in dynamic environment.
    2. High level of integrity and passion in collaborative team environment.
    3. Results-oriented personality with the proven ability to implement Ideas into practice.
    4. Trustworthy working attitude with high commitment and accountability.
    5. High learning agility with open and inclusive mindset.



  • 2025/01/17
    Strategic Procurement FAC Buyer(依身心障礙者權益保障法進用) (採購人員)
    • 新竹市
    • 依學經歷、證照核薪(每月經常薪資達4萬元以上)
    • 1年以上工作經驗
    • 碩士
    • 求才人數:2

    台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司!

    Fab Construction and Facility Procurement
    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the world's biggest contract chipmaker. Join TSMC Fab Construc-tion and Facility Procurement who builds the world's leading-edge semiconductor manufacturing factories. The scope of our work includes but is not limited to the supply chain management of new Fab build, new fac-tories, equipment tool install and site infrastructure.
    We are looking for world class diverse talent to join our team. If you enjoy working with the latest technology, fast-paced environment, this is the right place for you. You'll find opportunities to make differences!

    Job Responsibility:
    1. Develop and manage world class supplier partnerships with leading sourcing, procurement, supply chain management solutions and deliver continuous improvements in business results, quality, cost, delivery, ser-vice and sustainability toward reliable and cost effective supply chain.
    2. Develop procurement strategies and enhance/execute collaborations across diverse suppliers, groups and stakeholders while optimizing the solution for TSMC.
    3. Lead projects related to TSMC’s supply chain excellence.

    1. Master degree major in Engineering, Construction Management, Business or related fields.
    2. Knowledge and expertise in Construction, Facilities and Fab Technology.
    3. Excellent analytical skills - the ability to identify trends, patterns and insights from data.
    4. Good business sense, logical thinking and strong attention to detail.
    5. Experience working in a fast paced environment.
    6. Proven written/ verbal communication, team work, negotiation, problem solving and project coordination skills.
    7. Senior level strategy, decision making and influencing skills.
    8. Fluent in English, with experience in related field.



  • 2025/01/17
    資材管理職位(依身心障礙者權益保障法進用) (物管/資材)
    • 新竹市
    • 依學經歷、證照核薪(每月經常薪資達4萬元以上)
    • 1年以上工作經驗
    • 大學
    • 求才人數:5

    台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司!

    1. Strategic Procurement FAC Buyer
    2 .Data Analytics and Supply Chain Management Engineer
    3. Supply Chain Logistic Management Engineer
    4. Strategic Procurement Planner and Buyer

    [Material Strategic Buyer]
    1. Manage suppliers' relationships and their Quality, Cost, Delivery, Service and Sustainability toward reliable and cost effective supply chain.
    2. Develop procurement strategies and enhance/execute collaborations with suppliers and TSMC's RD/Operations.
    3. Lead projects related to TSMC’s supply chain excellence.

    [Materials Strategic Planner]
    1. Ensuring adequate supply of materials necessary for the whole lifecycle from ramp, production to EOL and planning demand forecast and long-term capacity.
    2. Identifying supply chain risks and mitigation solutions, and overseeing internal and external execution.
    3. Coordinating material regarding capacity and capability to meet production goals and timelines.
    4. Managing inventory issues, schedule changes, and cancellations.
    5. Evaluating supplier performance and providing allocation suggestions.
    6. Driving material continuous improvement projects.
    7. Developing green supply chain related ESG projects.
    5. Global Logistics Management Specialist

    1. Communicates effectively and positively with clients, colleagues, and vendors.
    2. Prepare and process related activities as required for the Customs Clearance of import and export shipments
    3. Compile, verify accuracy, to deal with shipments and Customs declaration with solid experience
    4. Supervises transportation and logistics solution services and activities
    5. Manage compliance requirements, such as to handle Customs auditing, comply with Trade Law
    6. Develop and implement logistics solutions to ensure delivery target is fulfilled
    7. Manage the KPI of Logistics Service Providers
    8. Review and handle logistics related payment operations

    1. Be able to handle stress effectively in a fast-paced environment.
    2. Be able to analyze data and use customized software quickly and accurately
    3. Have working experience of cargo tracking and exception handling
    4. Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Transportation, Logistics or equivalent combination of experience and education.
    5. Solid computer skills - including Microsoft Office Applications and other Logistics Inventory Systems

    1.大學 (含) 以上學歷

  • 2025/01/17
    Data Analytics and Supply Chain Management Engineer(依身心障礙者權益保障法進用) (軟(韌)體設計工程師)
    • 新竹市
    • 依學經歷、證照核薪(每月經常薪資達4萬元以上)
    • 1年以上工作經驗
    • 碩士
    • 求才人數:3

    台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司!

    1. Collecting and interpreting analytical and performance data to determine supply chain KPIs.
    2. Designing and delivering innovative business intelligence solutions (including reporting dash-boards, APIs, RPA robots) to enhance people productivity, supply chain traceability and visibility.
    3. Utilizing modeling techniques (big data, machine learning, linear programming) to make recom-mendations to supply chain stakeholders.
    4. Building the infrastructure required for optimal extraction, transformation, and loading of data from a wide variety of data sources.
    5. Keeping abreast of developments in information technology to push the envelope of supply chain data analytics.
    6. Solid hands-on experience with SQL databases, R, Python, Power BI, object oriented languages.

    1. BA, MA or PhD Degree in Business, Logistics, supply chain management or equivalent experienc-es and education. Chemistry background or semiconductor manufacturing experience is pre-ferred.
    2. Strong skills required for supply chain management, quality management, time management, analytical problem-solving abilities
    3. Fluent communication with external stakeholders and cross-functional teams, and handle stress effectively in a fast-paced environment
    4. Proficient computer skills - including Microsoft Office Applications and other Logistics Inventory Systems


  • 2025/01/17
    R&D 設備及製程模擬工程師(依身心障礙者權益保障法進用) (製程工程師)
    • 新竹市
    • 依學經歷、證照核薪(每月經常薪資達4萬元以上)
    • 無工作經驗可
    • 碩士
    • 求才人數:5

    台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司!

    1. A highly motivated individual with a strong technical background and capabilities to conduct process analysis and computation to advance equipment/process technologies for memory and logic products.
    2. Work with a team which may include diffusion, etch, and thin films or external suppliers to drive leading-edge integrated module development, control and improvements.
    3. Be responsible for sustaining ownership such as mathematical analysis and high-performance computation and programming.

    1. A valid Taiwan disability certificate.

    2. Master's degree or above in an engineering and scientific field such as Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, Materials Science, Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Me-chanical Engineering, Chemistry or Optics.

    3. Solid technical understanding of IC process physics, chemistry, applied mathematics and numeri-cal methods.

    4. Exhibit good and open communication skills, be able to work within cross-functional teams, includ-ing internal and external partners.

    5. Good understanding of Statistical Process Control (SPC) and/or Design of Experiments (DOE) principles.

    6. Flexibility in changing priorities and responsibilities to support business needs.

    7. Hands-on participation and a strong sense of ownership.

    ● 能接受長時間久坐,身體可負荷長時間看電腦
    ● 不需經常走動,不用進無塵室
    ● 需大量透過當面/電話/電腦打字與他人溝通協商,具備良好的問題解決能力




  • 2025/01/17
    【製造控制中心】技術員(依身心障礙者權益保障法進用) (生產管制技術員)
    • 新竹市
    • 月薪 32000~43000
    • 1年以上工作經驗
    • 高中
    • 求才人數:10


    台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司!


    1. 具基礎英文及計算能力

